Co-Workers in the Lord’s Move: 1934 - 1936

B. Visiting Other Localities

In the summer of 1934, Watchman Nee traveled with four brothers, driving the car himself, to visit four provinces, Kiangsu, Chekiang, Kiangsi, and Anhwei, to look into the situation in these places regarding the Lord’s move. While traveling with him on this trip, Witness Lee realized that Watchman Nee was a person who loved the Lord with his whole heart, and that he was also a person who had deep insight and foresight concerning many things. These five brothers from five different provinces, ranging from the far north to the far south, traveled and lodged together for a number of days. They enjoyed Brother Nee’s helpful building-up fellowship and the Lord’s presence with the oneness and harmony in the spirit. Witness Lee could never forget the precious and sweet experiences of those golden days in the heavenlies!

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