Further Revelations: 1937 - 1950

C. Resulting Revival in Chefoo: 1942-1944

A revival came to Chefoo in 1942 through practicing that blueprint. Because of that revival Witness Lee suffered persecution and was imprisoned for one month in May 1943. After he was released from prison, he was severely ill of tuberculosis of the lungs. It was through that persecution, imprisonment, and sickness that he was forced to leave his hometown in 1944. He went to Tsingtao, resting and recuperating there for about two years. After Japan surrendered in August of 1945, Witness Lee was invited to visit the church in Nanking in June of the next year, where he met Ruth Lee again after an absence from each other of over six years. From Nanking he proceeded to Shanghai to meet the invitation of the church there, staying there for about three weeks. He held a conference with the restored church in Shanghai on the tree of life and had much contact with Peace Wang and Yu Cheng-hwa, the eye specialist. In the same summer Watchman Nee returned from Chungking to Shanghai and located there for his pharmaceutical business. He had still not resumed his ministry, but Witness Lee had opportunity to visit and fellowship with him during this time.

Following my stay in Shanghai, Witness Lee returned to Tsingtao. In the fall his wife and children were able to join him there from Chefoo. Based on the invitation and encouragement of the leading brothers in Nanking and Shanghai, he moved with his family to work in their district in October of 1946.

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