Sitemap: Witness Lee & Watchman Nee

  1. Establishing a Relationship in the Lord's Calling: 1925-1935
    1. Background: Witness Lee's History
      1. Education
      2. Salvation
      3. Meeting with the Brethren Assembly
    2. Initial Contact
      1. Correspondence with Watchman Nee
      2. A Turn to the Lord
    3. Their First Personal Contact
      1. Watchman Nee Visits Witness Lee
      2. Witness Lee: Answering the Lord's Calling to Serve
        1. Confirmation by Watchman Nee
    4. Entering into the Work
      1. Watchman Nee Trains Witness Lee
      2. Watchman Nee Tests Witness Lee
        1. Training Regarding Speaking
        2. Training Regarding Correspondence
        3. Training Regarding Giving Conference Messages
        4. Training Regarding Reading the Bible
        5. Training Regarding Giving Gospel Messages
      3. Vision of the Work as One Flow
  2. Co-Workers in the Lord's Move: 1934-1936
    1. Sharing the Labor in Releasing Publications
    2. Visiting Other Localities
    3. Collection of Newsletters
      1. From Watchman Nee to Witness Lee
      2. From Ruth Lee to Watchman Nee and Witness Lee
      3. Statement of Purpose
    4. Watchman Nee: Ministering through Suffering
    5. Co-workers in Spreading the Ministry
      1. Revival
      2. Spreading the Gospel
  3. Further Revelations: 1937-1950
    1. Witness Lee Sent to Northern China in 1937
    2. Watchman Nee Gives a Conference Regarding the Body of Christ in 1939
    3. Resulting Revival in Chefoo: 1942-1944
    4. Resuming Fellowship with Watchman Nee: 1946
      1. Watchman Nee Stresses the Breaking of the Outer Man
      2. Revival in Shanghai
    5. Recovery of Watchman Nee’s Ministry: 1948
      1. Preparing to Spread to Taiwan
      2. Continuously Being Trained by Watchman Nee
    6. Fellowship Regarding Migration
      1. Fellowship Regarding Witness Lee Being Sent to Taiwan
      2. Watchman Nee Calls for Witness Lee in 1948
    7. Witness Lee’s Last Contact with Watchman Nee
      1. Watchman Nee Calls for Witness Lee to Come to Hong Kong in 1950
      2. Training Regarding Practical Church Responsibilities
      3. Training Regarding Speaking
      4. Training Regarding Consecratration of the Brothers and Sisters
      5. Training Regarding the Distribution of Literature
      6. Watchman Nee Returns to Mainland China and Witness Lee Returns to Taiwan
  4. Witness Lee’s Impressions of Contact With Watchman Nee
    1. Absolute toward the Lord
    2. Well-balanced
    3. All-inclusive
    4. Knowing the Bible
    5. Knowing the Lord
    6. Knowing Life
    7. Knowing the Church
    8. A Gift of the Age
  5. Links
    1. Scritural Truths
    2. Living Stream Ministry

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